

Film sans lumiere de Juan Fontanive

. .merci Gina Kamentsky

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Colibri from Juan Fontanive on Vimeo. .
The Lake from Juan Fontanive on Vimeo.
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"Juan Fontanive makes films without using light. Often recycling the mechanical parts of found clocks and pushbikes as the portable containers of his 'animations', his interest lies in the beauty of sequential and repetitive movement. Hand drawn characters, human and typographical, occur in a cranky flip-book module powered by oxide. Pages fall in neat layers in the manner of a paper fountain, somewhere between film and sculpture - there is no 'screen' as such. His filmstock is often pulped card or metal leaves." -Tot Taylor, Riflemaker Gallery

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2 androïdes pour le film 'The Best Offer' par Keith Newstead & Rob Higgs.

Rob Higgs et Keith Newstead ont réalisé 2 androïdes pour le film 'The Best Offer' by Tonatore.

 " I worked with mechanical maverick Rob Higgs to create two life size clockwork men, to be used as props for the film 'The Best Offer' by Tonatore."  Keith Newstead




Robert Coudray, le poète ferrailleur, été 2013

      Quel plaisir de revoir Robert Coudray, le poète ferrailleur de Lizio. 
Toujours des nouveautés plus surprenantes les unes que les autres. 

Robert Coudray et sa nouvelle machine . image philsing 12/08/2013 Lizio

