

The Chess-player automaton by Pierre Mayer...

The Chessplayer automaton by Pierre Mayer.  

Pierre send me this message: 

It was a project that was in the back of my mind many years ago.
I consulted my late friend Christian Fechner who advised me to use moving gears inside the cabinet.
Then I asked the legendary John Gaughan, creator and restorer of large scale magical automata.
Finally Abdul Alafrez, magician, actor and theatre special effects consultant came with the solution I needed.
With my talented co-worker Cathy Rivers we then solved the different problems one by one.
The effect is the following:
The crank is turned, the left door opens showing an empty cabinet all the way inside except for moving gears.
The left door closes, the right one opens and a little man is seeing activating a lever supposed to lift the automaton's left hand.
It is my favorite piece ,until the next one may be!!!"










 contemporary automata, jouets mécaniques ,automates contemporains, automates philsing,
scénettes mécaniques animées, scènes mécaniques , installations ,kinetic-art, art brut , whirligig ,theatre mécanique, roller coaster, Mechanische figuren.玩具&オートマトン ,
mechanisches Spielzeug , Automaten, napoleonic PoW spinning jennies, Mechanical toys , 「木のからくりアート展」


Titanic by Eduard Bersudsky 1994

Twenty years ago Eduard Bersudsky made one of his most important and popular kinemats - "Titanic".
Eduard Bersudsky:
"I have built “TITANIC” in Scotland in 1994 during our exhibition in the McLellan Galleries."


