

Surprenant automate de Tim Hunkin au Pitt River Museum , Oxford.

Surprenant automate de Tim Hunkin au Pitt River Museum , Oxford.

Few days ago , I was in Pitt River Museum in Oxford, and looking for a napoleonic POW spinning jenny automaton, and what a surprise , I saw the Tim Hunkin collecting box automaton .
 After 20 years the automaton still works, congratulations Tim.

When a visitor approaches the collecting box, the wooden anthropologists inside rise up and point accusingly . When a coin is inserted the anthropologists lean over, a gesture originally intended as a bow, but appears more as if they are simply inspecting the donation.


Spinning jenny in Pitt River Museum.



Fantasmagorie de Martin Chagnon

Fantasmagorie de Martin Chagnon

Au moyen de sculptures prenant la forme de machines cinétiques, interactives et ludiques, l'artiste Martin Chagnon propose une exposition qui a pour titre Fantasmagorie.


Les petites machines de Vincent Leroy;

Les petites machines de Vincent Leroy, artiste adepte de l'art cinétique.
